Monday, June 21, 2010

I was contacted today for a position with J.P. Morgan Chase and thought I would pass it on since it does not allow remote/telecommuting and would require me to move to either Houston, TX or Columbus, OH. If you have senior level TSM skills and are either willing to move or live within these metro areas send Melissa your resume. All I ask is that you tell her you saw the post on (And no, I don't get a referral fee!)

Hi Chad; thanks again for your time today.  As discussed, I recruit for our core infrastructure tech roles (storage, server) at JPMorgan Chase, and would love to be in touch with any talented individuals for current or future needs our managers may have.
The role I called you about today is for  a TSM expert who would be willing to work the weekends.  We offer great benefits+ competitive salary, including OT pay + 10% shift differential due to the nature and hours of the roles.  Individuals can be based in Columbus or Houston, and we are offering a  $10K net lump sum to help with relocation for those who live outside a reasonable commute distance of the two sites. 
Also, due to a couple of recent team promotions,  I will be posting two more roles that require skills in both NBU and intermediate TSM (with command line environment knowledge).
I appreciate any referrals you may be able to offer!
Best regards, and thanks again!
Melissa Greenwood | JPMorgan Chase Corporate Recruiting |  614-213-6670  |

Saturday, June 19, 2010

TSM Console Manager

While catching up with my e-mail I came across Spirit Software's TSM Console Manager. I had been asked to review it and did not get the e-mail until today. So I thought I would post the video describing the product and giving you and idea of how it works. Oh, and the cost isn't bad's FREE!

Updated E-mail

I apologize to anyone who has sent me an e-mail to since I really have not checked it consistently and thought I had switched everything over to my gmail account. If you have a question or would like to submit an article I have updated my e-mail link or you can contact me at (yes that's one l).

Friday, June 11, 2010

On The Bench

Well I am back in the job market today. When searching TSM positions I notice there are quite a few positions available out there. I wonder how long it took those of you out there to find new positions? I'm pretty optimistic. At least for the moment.

I was let go due to cost cutting demanded from the higher ups, so I'm thankful I can use Infocrossing as a solid reference. If anyone has suggestions or is hiring feel free to send me an e-mail.