Thursday, October 16, 2008

EMC Backup Advisor

I am currently working a project to install and setup EMC Backup Advisor in our environment. If anyone has experience with the product I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions. So far it seems like it can monitor almost anything. Hopefully it doesn't become such a huge/complex tool that we'll spend half our time trying to manage it.

1 comment:

  1. hi,
    It is a wonderful tool for monitoring all the backup application. We can generate bill for each individual customers as well. We can send miss failed daily backup report to any one simply configuring his email id, we can send all the data to dashboard. even we EBA can analyze and forecast network traffic And lot more feature is there with this tool. It most useful for enterprise level organizations where different tools like TSM Netbackup Networker Data protector are used and storage libraries ACSLS.... It is single interface to monitor all the application. It gives easy to understand reports... please contact me with your specific query regarding EBA. I will try to repond.

