Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weird Volhist Records

I am reviewing my Volume History file on my ACSLS library controller and it shows volumes as REMOTE and owned by the library clients but the weird thing is it shows the DEVCLASS as a device class that is not even defined on the library clients. Why would TSM do this? So I have a device class called IBM-LTO-3 on all my TSM instances (8 total including the library manager) and on the library manager there is a device class called NAS-DEV-CL. I show tons of tape volumes using the NAS-DEV-CL devclass on the library manager's volume history but not on the other instances (since they don't even have the NAS-DEV-CL devclass defined). Why or how would this occur? I tried an audit library on one of my library clients but it is not completing (I've had issues with audit library commands from library clients before). Any ideas?

Here is an example of what I see:

tsm: PD-703-S-AITSM-1>select * from volhistory where volume_name='L40202'

DATE_TIME: 2009-08-19 03:33:07.000000

When I query the volume on the library client I see:

Volume Name: L40202
Storage Pool Name: NP-STD-TAPE
Device Class Name: IBM-LTO-3
Estimated Capacity: 1.6 T
Scaled Capacity Applied:
Pct Util: 0.4
Volume Status: Filling
Access: Read-Only
Pct. Reclaimable Space: 26.1
Scratch Volume?: Yes
In Error State?: No
Number of Writable Sides: 1
Number of Times Mounted: 14
Write Pass Number: 1
Approx. Date Last Written: 08/26/09 11:01:12
Approx. Date Last Read: 09/22/09 11:19:00
Date Became Pending:
Number of Write Errors: 0
Number of Read Errors: 0
Volume Location:
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator): CSMALL
Last Update Date/Time: 09/14/09 13:14:21
Begin Reclaim Period:
End Reclaim Period:
Drive Encryption Key Manager: None

So the question is how did this volume history record on the library manager end up with the devclass that doesn't exist on the library client? It doesn't seem to affect the volumes or processing daily tasks, but I am worried its not freeing up the tapes to return to a scratch status when they are reclaimed.

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