Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Getting TSM Script Info

So you want to query a script and see what it executes but don't like the standard Q SCRIPT results? Don't forget about the FORMAT= options available. Most people know FORMAT=DETAIL but with the Q SCRIPT command there are two additional formats. FORMAT=LINE and FORMAT=RAW. I like RAW but LINE is decent if you want to see the script by sequence.

UPDATE: As reader Erwann reminded me (I had long forgotten), there is also a F=MACRO option which will display the script in a form that can be run as a macro to define the script to another TSM server. If you issue Help Q SCRIPT it does not list the MACRO option, but it is valid and does work. So you could dump all your scripts to macro format and send it to an outfile. Then you could define them to an alternate TSM server (Q SCRIPT * OUTFILE=SCRIPTS.MAC F=Macro).

tsm: TSMLIBM>q script LIBR_INFO f=macro
DEFINE SCRIPT  LIBR_INFO DESC="Library path information"
UPDATE SCRIPT  LIBR_INFO "q libr $1 f=d"
UPDATE SCRIPT  LIBR_INFO "q path $1 srct=serv destt=libr f=d"
UPDATE SCRIPT  LIBR_INFO "q path * srct=serv destt=dr libr=$1 f=d"
UPDATE SCRIPT  LIBR_INFO "select library_name,library_type,library_serial from libraries where library_name ='$1'"
UPDATE SCRIPT  LIBR_INFO "select source_name,destination_name,library_name,device serial from paths where library_name='$1'"
UPDATE SCRIPT  LIBR_INFO "select drive_name,drive_serial,element,library_name from drives where library_name='$1'"

Here are the examples:

tsm: TSMLIBM>q script LIBR_INFO f=line   

Name           Line       Command                                                     
----------     ------     ------------------------------------------------------------
LIBR_INFO      5          q libr $1                                                   
               10         q libr $1 f=d                                               
               15         q path $1 srct=serv destt=libr f=d                          
               20         q path * srct=serv destt=dr libr=$1 f=d                     
               25         select library_name,library_type,library_serial from        
                           libraries where library_name ='$1'                         
               30         select source_name,destination_name,library_name,device     
                           serial from paths where library_name='$1'                  
               35         select drive_name,drive_serial,element,library_name from    
                           drives where library_name='$1'             

tsm: TSMLIBM>q script LIBR_INFO f=raw
q libr $1
q libr $1 f=d
q path $1 srct=serv destt=libr f=d
q path * srct=serv destt=dr libr=$1 f=d
select library_name,library_type,library_serial from libraries where library_name ='$1'
select source_name,destination_name,library_name,device serial from paths where library_name='$1'
select drive_name,drive_serial,element,library_name from drives where library_name='$1'


  1. Hi Chad,

    There's also a usefull F=M (Format=Macro) !

  2. Is there anything similar for client schedules?
